Software Security - S17

CSE 545

Assignment 1

Assignment 1 is due 2/12/17 on or before 11:59:59pm MST.

Part 1 (5 points)

Sign up for the course mailing list. Please provide your ASURITE ID number when you register so that we can give you credit for signing up.

Part 2 — Reflector (50 points)

The goal of this project is to create a “reflector” which will relaunch attacks sent to a given ip address and ethernet address to the IP address that sent the attack. This acts as a mirror, such that when an adversary is portscanning a network, they will actually be portscanning themselves. When they launch an exploit at the reflector, the attack will be reflected back at them.

This project can be written in any programming

Your program will be a single executable, called reflector.


You must implement the following command-line interface for your program (all parameters are required, but not necessarily in this order):

./reflector --interface eth0 --victim-ip  --victim-ethernet 31:16:A9:63:FF:83 --reflector-ip --reflector-ethernet 38:45:E3:89:B5:56

Your program should listen to the given network interface, and any IP, TCP, or UDP packets sent to the given victim IP address should be taken and sent (without modification) on the given interface to the src IP from the reflector IP address. Then, when there is a response from the src IP address to the reflector IP address, that response should be sent back to the src IP address as if it was from the victim IP address.

In this way, your program will impersonate two IP address (victim and reflector), and any packets that are sent to the victim will get resent to the src IP from the reflector IP. One good way to test this is to try to SSH to the victim IP from a machine that you have SSH access. You should find yourself SSHing into that same machine.

Note, that you will need to implement ARP so that those nodes on your local network will know that your interface is the victim and reflector IP.


I’ve written a script which will allow you to test the reflector on a single Ubuntu 14.04 machine (without using a virtual machine or another computer on the network to simulate the attacker). This uses network namespaces, a Linux kernel feature that allows having multiple network namespaces. The script uses this feature to simulate having multiple computers on a network (by using a virtual ethernet device). Also, this is a similar environment to how the automated grading server tests your code.

First, download the script to the same directory that your reflector is in.

Then, make executable:

chmod +x ./

Then, run test_reflector (which will compile your reflector, set up the networking, run the reflector, then cleanup the networking)


If everything goes correctly, you should see some instructions (which will document different ways to debug/test this environment), and from another terminal you can run ping to try to ping the victim IP.

To debug further, you’ll need to look into the [network namespaces functionality][]. This will help you understand what the shell script is trying to do.


For this project, while you can choose any language you wish, I highly recommend that you use Scapy. I will make sure that the submission server has the python-scapy package installed.

Another option is to use libnet. You are free to use whatever library you want, however it must allow arbitrary packet creation. It is your responsibility to do the research about an unsupported library (it will also be more difficult for us to help you).

Note that you must run your program as root to be able to get access to the raw sockets. This means that the submission system will be running your code as root, so please do not attempt anything malicious.

Your program must work on Ubuntu 14.04 64-bit with the default packages installed. Here is a list of installed packages. You’ll probably need to set up a virtual machine to do the development.

If you wish to use packages that are not installed on Ubuntu 14.04 64-bit by default, please submit a file entitled packages, with a list of the Ubuntu 14.04 64-bit packages that you would like installed before calling make. Each line of packages must be a valid package name, one package per line. The submission system will automatically install all the dependencies that the package lists.

For example, if you were going to write your assignment in Haskell, you could install the GHC compiler with the following packages file:


Submission Instructions

You will need to submit your source code, along with a Makefile and README. The Makefile must create an executable called reflector when the command make is ran. Your README file should contain your name, ASU ID, and a description of how your program works.

Prior course’s TA compiled some resources on how to write a Makefile:

Part 3 — C Backdoor “Web Server” (45 points)

A critical part of establishing persistence on a system is to leave a “backdoor” that allows the hacker access to the system at a later date, without exploiting the same vulnerabilities (they may be fixed in the meantime). In this assignment, you’ll explore writing a backdoor that pretends to be a web server. A web server makes a great pretense for a backdoor, because web traffic is so prevalent it does not raise red flags and ports 80 and 443 are frequently permitted through firewalls.

Your goal is to create, in C, a minimal HTTP 1.1 server, based on RFC 2616 from scratch, without using any libraries except for the C standard library.

The name of your backdoor executable will be normal_web_server


You must implement the following command-line interface for your server:

./normal_web_server <port>

Your server should listen for incoming connections to the given port, and respond to most requests with a valid HTTP 1.1 response with the 404 HTTP response code.

It is important that your server support valid HTTP 1.1 requests from HTTP clients (otherwise your backdoor will be detected), and your server should not cause the client to hang or otherwise malfunction.

The backdoor functionality is that when your server receives a GET request for a URL in the form of /exec/<command>, then your server should take <command> and execute it using the system Linux sys call and the HTTP response will be the stdout of the executed command. The HTTP status code of the response should be 200. Note that there are no limitations to the characters in <command>, in other words it should capture the rest of the requested URL from the / after /exec to the end of the URL.

For instance, an HTTP GET of /exec/ls will return an HTTP response with the body of the output of the execution of the ls command on the server. An HTTP GET of /exec/ls%20-la will return an HTTP response with the body of the output of ls -la.

When the server is killed (Control-C via command prompt or the SIGINT signal is sent to the program), the server should release the port and safely terminate.


Your program must work on Ubuntu 14.04 64-bit with the default packages installed. Here is a list of installed packages. You’ll probably need to set up a virtual machine to do the development.

If you wish to use packages that are not installed on Ubuntu 14.04 64-bit by default, please submit a file entitled packages, with a list of the Ubuntu 14.04 64-bit packages that you would like installed before calling make. Each line of packages must be a valid package name, one package per line. The submission system will automatically install all the dependencies that the package lists.

For example, if you were going to write your assignment in Haskell, you could install the GHC compiler with the following packages file:


Network Server Programming Resources

These are some resources that prior years have found to help in writing networked server application:

Submission Instructions

You will need to submit your source code, along with a Makefile and README. The Makefile must create your executable, called normal_web_server, when the command make is ran. Your README file should contain your name, ASU ID, and a description of how your program works.

Extra Credit

Implement gzip encoding in Part 3 so that if the client supports gzip encoding, then the server sends the result of the command with gzip encoding.

Submission Site

Create an account to submit your homework on the course submisison site.

Please don’t forget your password.